Activity | Day | Time | Location | Booking Contact |
Community badminton | Monday | 5:00-6:00pm | Sports hall | chshire@culchethhigh.org.uk |
Culcheth Athletic FC | Mon-Thurs | 6:00-9:00pm | Grass pitches/Astro/MUGA | chairman.cafc@gmail.com |
Culcheth Eagle rugby | Mon-Thurs | 6:00-9:00pm | Astro-turf/MUGA | jonmcleod.culchetheagles@gmail.com |
Complete netball solutions | Monday | 7:00-10:00pm | Sports hall | completenetballsolutions.co.uk |
Warrington junior netball | Tuesday | 5:30-8:00pm | Sports hall | warringtontownnetball.co.uk |
Culcheth walking football | Tuesday | 7:00-8:00pm | Astro-turf | yannis0131@yahoo.com |
Rebecca Jayne Dance Academy | Thursday | 4:15pm-6:15pm | Fitness Suite | therebeccajaynedanceacademy@gmail.com |
Rebecca Jayne Dance Academy | Friday | 4:15-7:15pm | B102 | therebeccajaynedanceacademy@gmail.com |
Rebecca Jayne Dance Academy | Saturday | 9:00am-4:00pm | B102 | therebeccajaynedanceacademy@gmail.com |
Gr8 gymnastics | Thursday | 5:00-8:00pm | Sports hall | shelley.croughan@hotmail.co.uk |
Gr8 gymnastics | Friday | 5:15-7:15pm | Sports hall | shelley.croughan@hotmail.co.uk |
Gr8 gymnastics | Saturday | 9:30-2:30pm | Sports hall | shelley.croughan@hotmail.co.uk |
Rugby Tots | Saturday | 9:00-11:00am | Astro-turf/Sports hall | andy@rugbytots.co.uk |
ComputerXplorers | Saturday | 10:00-12:30pm | ICT Suite | Bolton@computerxplorers.co.uk |
Community badminton | Saturday | 3:00-4:00pm | Sports hall | chshire@culchethigh.org.uk |
Diddikicks | Sunday | 9:00-1:00pm | Sports hall | info@diddikicks.co.uk |
Padgate basketball club | Sunday | 1:00pm-3:00pm | Sports hall | hellopadgatebasketball.co.uk |
Little superstars | Term time only | 8:00-6:00pm | Astro-turf/Sports hall | louise@littlesuperstars.co.uk |
Complete Netball Solutions | Tuesday | 8:00-10:00pm | Sports hall | |
Connexus | Thursday | 4:00-6:00pm | B217 |
To book, please email the independent booking contact as listed in the table above.
CHS Hire, facilitates the hire of indoor and outdoor spaces for independent clubs and instructors at Culcheth High School.